The Church Fathers: Benefits and Abuses
The writings of the so-called “Church Fathers” are valuable sources of information for that period known as the “post-apostolic” age. Unfortunately, the literature frequently is also abused.
Rehoboam Revisited
Rehoboam was a reckless king over the nation of Judah and his folly caused spiritual decay among the Lord’s people. What lessons might one learn from this tragic circumstance in ancient history?
Some Lessons From Church History
Church historians agree that many changes in faith and practice occurred over the last two thousand years, with many negative consequences. Is this religious mindset still affecting the followers of Christ today?
Does God Exist?
Are there good, logical reasons to believe that there is a God?
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The truth regarding eternal punishment.
The Influence of Modern Trends on the Church
Is new always better than old? Not always. Some modern trends have had a negative impact on the church.
Vile Tune, Rotten Singer
It is not so much Singer’s nutty ideas about animals that is the focus of controversy (he refuses to wear leather); it is his views about humans—and their relevance in comparison to animals.
How Do I Deal with Conflicting Emotions?
How does a single mother harmonize her love for an out-of-wedlock child with her lingering guilt of sin?
Does John 17:3 Negate the Deity of Christ?
A “Jehovah’s Witness” is upset at some of our articles that affirm the divine nature of Jesus Christ. He claims that John 17:3 negates the idea that Jesus is “God” in nature. This article responds to the gentleman’s charge.
Should Christians Have All Things in Common?
Communism has held millions of people in its oppressive grasp, forcing a distribution of personal resources among the masses. Some even allege that early Christianity was characterized by this disposition. They contend that anyone in “need” has a “right” to the prosperity of others. In this week’s Question & Answer segment, Jason Jackson addresses this issue.
California High Court Wrong Again
The California Supreme Court is one of the most reckless judicial bodies in the nation. Once more it has intruded into, and trampled upon, the right to religious freedom. Consider one of its latest infractions.
President Obama Calls for Debate on Abortion
On May 17, 2009, President Obama called for a sensible debate on abortion during his commencement speech at Notre Dame University. However, when he was asked directly, “At what point does a baby get human rights?” by Rick Warren, the President ducked with the best of them: “that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.”
Our Eternal Abode
Will heaven be on earth as some have speculated? Or is their biblical evidence that heaven will be something apart from the physical planet on which we live.
What Is the Meaning of Matthew 10:23?
Matthew 10:23 is a difficult text that has generated much controversy among Bible students. Just what is the meaning of the Lord’s statement, that the apostles will not have evangelized all the cities of Israel, “till the Son of man comes”? Wayne Jackson discusses this problem in this week’s Question segment.
The New Testament Pattern of Giving
Are there any binding ordinances for Christian giving in the New Testament?
The Trashing of Human Life
The only way one can consistently argue for the sanctity of human life is to ground his case in the ultimate moral law which proceeds from the sovereign Creator of the universe.
Times That Try Our Souls
Division “contrary to the doctrine” of Christ is wrong (Romans 16:17); but division, consistent with the Lord’s teaching, is not. Let faithful men and women work for a church that is united—but united upon the basis of biblical truth, not sectarian compromise (John 17:17).
While He Was Yet Speaking
How do you maintain your faith in the face of personal tragedy?
The Growing Trend of Performance Worship
Does the Bible specifically address the issue of the growing practice of “worship-drama”?
Are We Hooking Our Kids on Drugs?
This essay is a discussion of the growing trend of drug treatment for children.