LORD and Lord: What’s the Difference?
Why does the title “lord” appear in two formats in the Old Testament, i.e., LORD and Lord?
The Amazing Unity of Scripture
The literary unity of the Bible is evidence of Divine inspiration.
Who Is the Mysterious Shiloh?
This article is a discussion of the mysterious passage in Genesis 49:10-12. Especially, who was Judah’s “Shiloh”?
Solomon’s Basin and “Pi” — A Bible Error?
Does the Bible contain a mathematical error relative to the dimensions of Solomon’s temple basin? Critics so claim, but what are the actual facts?
Daniel’s Prophecy of Antiochus Epiphanes
Antiochus Epiphanes was a Greek tryant of the 2nd century B.C. He was a vicious enemy of the Jewish people, outlawing Judaism and descrating the sacred Hebrew temple. In an amazing display of prophetic revelation, Daniel the prophet, several centuries earlier, had detailed some of the exploits of this political monster. Jason Jackson discusses some of Daniel’s stunning predictions in this month’s Feature article.
The English Standard Version Study Bible – A Review
Since its release in 2001, the English Standard Version of the Bible has gained popularity. We reviewed the ESV several years back and gave it commendation. Last year the ESV Study Bible appeared. While the study tools frequently are helpful, there are numerous danger spots characterized by doctrinal error. Those using this edition should be informed.
A Jewish Rabbi Converts to Christ
Jesus’ introduction to Nicodemus in John 3 contains rich treasures for those patient enough scrutinize the few passages.
Deuteronomy 18:15-19 — A Prophet Like Moses
Moses prophesied of the coming leader of Israel that would be like unto him. This prophecy is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
Does God Condone Lying?
Did God cause people to lie by sending “lying spirits” to deceive?
The Holy Bible, Inspired of God: A Look at the Evidence
The Bible claims to be the word of God. But is there any evidence that this claim is true? Here’s an article you will want to read and save.
Islam and the Deity of Jesus Christ
Moslems insist that Jesus Christ was merely a “messenger” of God, in the same sense that others (e.g., Moses) were but prophets. They deny that he possessed the nature of deity, or that he even claimed to be the “Son of God.” But what does the actual evidence reveal?
What Is the Meaning of “Tender Plant. . . out of Dry Ground”?
What is the meaning of that mysterious phrase, “a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground,” as found in Isaiah 53:2? It is a marvelous prophecy regarding Christ. Study it with us.
Rehoboam Revisited
Rehoboam was a reckless king over the nation of Judah and his folly caused spiritual decay among the Lord’s people. What lessons might one learn from this tragic circumstance in ancient history?
Judges 4 – Deborah, the Woman Judge
Does Deborah’s service as a judge of Israel authorize leadership roles for women in the Lord’s church?
A Study of Divine Providence
Does God work in our lives today?
Created in the Image of God
As a potter fashions clay into a vessel, the book of Genesis affirms that mankind was “created” in the very image of God. He is not the product of an ancient slime pit.
The Controversy Rages: Mel Gibson’s “The Passion”
Mel Gibson’s motion picture, “The Passion of the Christ,” has ignited a storm of controversy, once again raising the question, “Who was responsible for the death of Jesus of Nazareth?” This week’s Penpoints explores this “hot” topic.
Developing Christian Confidence
Most of us would like to have more confidence. Unfortunately, too many people have grounded their confidence upon rotten foundations and have ignored the genuine basis of trust and boldness.
Jonah 1:1-2 — The Prophet’s Commission
God’s commission to the prophet Jonah provides insight into the nature of God and our relationship to him.
2 Kings 2:23-25 – Elisha and the Lads of Bethel
Some see the case of Elisha and the lads of Bethel as conduct unworthy of a prophet of God. Several alleged problems are addressed.