Is the Gospel of Thomas Real or Fake?
Some scholars continue to insist that the so-called “Gospel of Thomas” is as authentic as the canonical Gospel records. What are the facts of this matter?
Is the Language of Genesis 1 Merely Metaphorical?
In an attempt to harmonize the biblical record with evolutionary chronology, some allege that the creation description of Genesis 1 is merely metaphorical. Such a position thrusts aside responsible interpretative procedure.
The City of Hazor and Old Testament Accuracy
Archaeology once again proves the accuracy of the biblical record.
Is There Scientific Proof of Joshua’s Long Day?
Is the so-called scientific proof for Joshua’s “long day” reliable?
Roman Catholic Professor Denies the Resurrection of Christ
A Roman Catholic scholar, Professor Thomas H. West, has renounced the doctrine of the resurrection of Christ in a newly published book. There is nothing fresh in his approach. It is the same old infidelity that has been around for centuries.
News Story Focuses Spotlight on Aspects of Mormonism
The sensational news story regarding the return of the kidnapped Salt Lake City teen has caused public attention to be focused upon certain aspects of Mormon doctrine. This week’s Penpoints article highlights a couple of these issues.
Scientific Evidence Affirms the Worth of Preborn Children
Do preborn babies deserve human rights protections? An honest look at the scientific evidence.
Galatians 4:4-5 – The Fullness of Time
The conditions of the first century world attest to the wonderful planning of God.
Colossians 2:12 — Baptism – A Working of God
The Bible denies that man is saved by works of human merit. But what about “works of God.” Study this commonly misunderstood issue with us.
The Allegory of the Vine and the Branches
Shortly before his arrest and death, Jesus taught his disciples by means of a beautiful allegory, that of the “vine” and the “branches.” Study this wonderful illustration with us.
God’s Plan of Salvation for His Lost Children
How can a fallen away Christian be restored to fellowship with Christ and his church?
The Current Perversion of John 8:1-11
“He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” If there is one verse most folks have memorized, it is this one. But what does it really mean?
May a Minister “Opt Out” of Social Security?
Is it a violation of ethics for a minister to “opt out” of the Social Security program?
Ephesians 2:3 – By Nature Children of Wrath
Does this passage prove the Calvanistic doctrine of hereditary total depravity? Not in the least.
1 Chronicles 15:2 – The Law of Silence
Many today strongly contend that the silence of the Bible is not prohibitive. However, a comparison of some Old Testament passages indicates otherwise.
Does Psalm 22 Prophesy the Crucifixion of Christ?
A critic has charged that Christians have manipulated the text of Psalm 22 to foreshadow the crucifixion of Christ. What are the facts of the matter?
Reductio Ad Absurdum – The Consequences of an Argument
Many have been lead into doctrinal error by what may seem to be compelling arguments. But when the logical consequences of such arguments are entertained, their absurdity becomes apparent.
Jesus’ Prophecy and the Destruction of the Temple
Shortly before his death, Christ informed his disciples that the Jewish temple would be destroyed, and not one stone would be left upon another. Some claim the prophecy failed. What are the facts?
An Instructive Episode in the Ministry of Paul
Why did Paul, who was an apostle, go to Jerusalem in Acts 15 to settle a dispute in the early church.
Acts 4:32 – The Jerusalem Church of Christ
The Jerusalem church of Christ is a model that all churches should pattern themselves after. After all, they were operating under the direct instruction of the inspired apostles. The results are apparent in Acts 4:32.