Examining Premillennialism
Premillennialism, the doctrine that Christ will soon return to set up an earthly kingdom for a thousand years, is a popular idea these days. In this this article, Wayne Jackson examines this theory.
The Vision of Obadiah
Obadiah is the shortest Old Testament book. This small book has, amazingly and providentially, survived more than 2500 years, and while it contains a message of judgment for an ancient neighbor of Israel, it has many relevant messages for us today.
Jude 1 – The Possibility of Apostasy
The book of Jude argues forcefully against the misguided notion that no child of God can ever be lost.
Was Jesus the “Suffering Servant” of Isaiah 53?
Was Jesus of Nazareth the “suffering servant” of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke in Chapter 53 of his book? The modern Jews says, “No.” Rather, it frequently is argued that the Jewish people in general are in view. What are the facts of this matter?
Joshua’s Farewell Address
This article addresses whether or not people have the right to speculate about who will be saved apart from the declarations of divine revelation.
King Saul — A Case Study in Apostasy
Saul, Israel’s first king, stands as a solemn warning to all who followed thereafter.
Was the Sabbath a Divine Requirement from the Time of Creation?
Was the seventh-day sabbath a divine requirement from the seventh day of creation onward? Some so claim, but the evidence is lacking. Study this issue with us.
New Archaeological Discovery—The “Temech” Seal
A few days ago news sources announced the discovery of a stone seal from the rubble of Jerusalem that relates to a family name in ancient Jerusalem. Read about this fascinating “find.”
Was the Siege at Jerusalem in A.D. 70 the Worst in World History?
Was the siege at Jerusalem in A.D. 70 the worst in world history?
The English Standard Version and Micah 5:2
Did the ESV translate Micah 5:2 in the best possible fashion? There is some controversy about this matter; study the issue with us.
The Significance of Small Things
Have you considered the significance of “small things” — both good and evil?
Let Me Die the Death of the Righteous
When the matter is duly considered, the Bible reveals that there are some similarities and also some significant differences in the deaths of the righteous and the wicked.
Language Keys that Unlocked the Past
Archaeology, time and time again, has confirmed the accuracy and reliability of the Bible as a historical document.
Jeremiah 50:24-32 – Babylon: Humbled by God
Babylon was destroyed for her pride. Jeremiah accurately prophesied this monumental event in ancient history.
Old Testament Events and the Goodness of God
Some have suggested that certain accounts within the Old Testament appear to depict God not as holy, kind, good, and merciful, but instead as unjust, mean, vengeful, and unmerciful. How can God be called “good” in light of such events?
Mark 11:20 – Jesus Curses a Fig Tree
Does Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree in Mark 11 reveal a “dark side” to the Savior? Not at all. Wayne Jackson explains this curious passage.
The Establishment of the Church of Christ
Was the church of Christ established on the day of Pentecost? Or was it established at some earlier time in human history?
What Is the Answer to the “Green Tree” Riddle?
On his way to Golgotha, Christ addressed a group of Jerusalem’s weeping women, and asked: “For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” What is the meaning of this mysterious “green tree” saying?
Gog and Magog — What Is the Meaning of Revelation 20:8?
Who is this “Gog and Magog” that threatens God’s people in Revelation 20:8?
The Birthplace of Jesus: Bethlehem or Jerusalem?
Was Jesus born in Bethlem or Jerusalem? The Bible teaches it was Bethlehem. The Book of Mormon alleges it was in “the land of Jerusalem.” Examine the evidence for yourself.