Didn’t Paul Command, “Forbid not to speak in tongues”?
What is the meaning of Paul’s command, “Forbid not to Speak in tongues” (1 Cor. 14:39)? Does this imply that the gift of tongues was to continue to the end of time?
A Tribute to a Nameless Widow
Jesus once observed a poor widow contributing into the treasury of the Jewish temple. This incident is twice recorded in the Gospel records. Of what significance is this narrative? Study this fascinating account in this week’s Penpoints.
The Hava Supai Dinosaur Carving
In the autumn of 1924, a team of scientists went into the Hava Supai region of the Grand Canyon area to document strange carvings on one of the canyon walls. One of these carvings, which seems to depict a dinosaur, has been largely ignored by the scientific community. Read about this remarkable discovery in this week’s Penpoints.
What About Social Drinking and the Old Testament?
Does the Old Testament provide precedent for “social” drinking today?
Language Keys that Unlocked the Past
Archaeology, time and time again, has confirmed the accuracy and reliability of the Bible as a historical document.
The Lord Is My Rock
The word “rock” is a common biblical metaphor. It illustrates many great truths about God. This article briefly surveys this topic.
Parents, Obey Your Father
Parental responsibility means helping your kids go to heaven. It takes time, attention, and divine insight. Be there for your children — be a Christian parent. Jason Jackson considers Paul’s admonition to children in Ephesians 6:1, which must be taught by parents.
The Language of God
Dr. Francis Collins, a notable scientist specializing in the mapping of genes, has produced a new book, The Language of God. The following is a brief review of this work.
The Word-tenses of Salvation
Have you ever considered the fact that “salvation” can be a future, past, present, still future event, depending upon the vantage point from which one is speaking? Think about this “tense” issue with us.
Christian and “Higher Education”, The
Youngsters who attend secular educational institutions frequently are confronted with seriously erroneous teachings. How do they deal with these dangerous situations? It doesn’t have to be a hostile encounter.
Three researchers combined their dubious talents to produce an article which attempted to argue the case that sexual activity between adults and children should not be classified as “abuse.”
The San Francisco Atheist Convention
What happens when the atheists get together—for worship?
Jessie “The Body” Ventura Takes a Dive
While Mr. Ventura has enjoyed some initial popularity, his polls have taken a sharp dip.
Why Were Humans Created?
A university student is bothered with questions as to why human beings were created. Did the creation reveal a “need” on the part of deity? Join us for a discussion of this question.
Were Old Testament Sexual Regulations Unreasonable?
It is commonly charged that certain documents of the Old Testament are unbalanced in terms of sexual matters? This allegation reflects a misunderstanding of the sacred text. This week’s Question addresses this matter.
Who Are the “Enemies of Truth”?
Richard Dawkins, a professor at Oxford University, declares that religion is the “enemy of truth.” Is this really the case? Or is it he and his philosophical companions who are the real enemies of truth?
Wise Counsel About Friends from Proverbs
When is a friend a real “friend”? Solomon offers several spiritual values of a good friend.
Is There Scientific Proof of Joshua’s Long Day?
Is the so-called scientific proof for Joshua’s “long day” reliable?
Be Still and Know that I Am God
The admonition, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psa. 46:10), is often misunderstood. In this brief article, Jason Jackson explores the meaning of the sacred text.
What Was the Nature of Cain’s Sin?
What was Cain’s sin? Weakness, lack of faith or downright rebellion?