Paul’s Two-Year Roman Imprisonment
By weaving together the data found in Paul’s prison epistles, one can get some feeling for how things fared for the apostle in Rome before being imprisoned again and finally departing to be with the Lord in his heavenly kingdom.
Do Angels Minister to Christians Today?
Are angels ministering to Christians today?
What Is the Significance of the Fish Symbol?
What is the significance of the fish symbol?
1 John 2:18—Who Is the Antichrist?
Is the antichrist a character soon to be revealed on the stage of world events? Who is this person?
Psalm 19, Scientifically Accurate
Critics often criticize figurative language in the Bible as being scientifically inaccurate. But even “scientists” use figurative language from time to time. In spite of poetic language, Psalm 19 does contain some descriptions of the sun that are scientifically precise.
Acts 1:16 – Scripture Inspiration
Peter’s recognition of fulfilled prophecies in Acts chapter 1 affirms the inspiration of Scripture.
1 Thessalonians 1:4-5 – Election through the Gospel
The Bible knows nothing of an arbitrary divine election separate from human responsibility.
1 John 1:7 – The Cleansing Fountain
When the conditions God are happily met, one may be assured of the merciful pardon of Heaven.
Zechariah 6:12,13 – The Royal Priest
The book of Zechariah teaches important truths about the Messiah. Study it with us in this week’s Margin Notes.
James 1:17 – The Shadow Cast by Turning
Did James reveal a scientific principle that was yet to be “discovered”? It is quite possible.
Matthew 16:19 — Binding and Loosing
Despite the assertions of the Roman Catholic Church, there is no biblical evidence for the “primacy of Peter” doctrine. Study with us one of the passages that is misused to support this heresy.
The Dangers of Youthful Exuberance
The apostle Paul taught Timothy how to conduct himself as a young gospel preacher—advice sorely needed today and in every generation.
2 Chronicles 4:5 – The Capacity of the Laver
Unbelievers think they have discovered a discrepancy in 2 Chronicles 4:5. Yet, there is no provable error here.
Does the Bible Contain Contradictions?
Does the Bible contradict itself? Skeptics frequently claim it does. But a careful consideration of the law of contradiction demonstrates otherwise.
Is There Not A Cause?
The account of David and Goliath’s battle teaches numerous spiritual principles.
Was Peter the “Rock”?
In an article published sometime back, we denied that Peter was the “rock” upon which Christ built his church, as alleged by Roman Catholicism. A kindly critic objects to this position. Wayne Jackson discusses the matter further.
When a Pagan King Challenged Jehovah
Sennacherib sent a great army to Jerusalem. Through his military officials, he made a series of threats, the design of which was to bully the Hebrew king.
What Did Jesus Mean When He Said, “Receive Ye the Spirit”?
On the Sunday of his resurrection, Jesus said to certain disciples, “Receive ye the Spirit.” What is the meaning of this cryptic text?
Ishmael or Isaac? The Koran or the Bible?
Did Abraham offer Ishmael or Isaac? The Bible and the Koran differ on this issue. Which book is really divine revelation? Does it matter?
Binding and Loosing
The Roman Catholic church claims that Jesus Christ gave Peter the authority to bind and loose religious law. Matthew 16:19 is a record of this occasion, they say. Was Peter singled out to become the first pope in this passage?