Jehovah’s Righteous Branch
The prophets herald the coming of one who is designated as Jehovah’s “Branch.” Jeremiah’s emphasis of this theme is particularly compelling. Study this subject with us.
Does God Limit His Own Foreknowledge?
Is there biblical evidence that, in some cases, God has limited his own foreknowledge?
The Challenge of “Agape” Love
It is a noble and worthy challenge to love with the love that Jesus has for all mankind.
How Old Is the Earth?
How old is the earth? What does the Bible say? What about science? Does it really matter?
The Creation “Days” – Literal or Figurative?
This article attempts to determine the meaning of the term “days” in connection with the creation week.
Is the Gospel of Judas True?
The National Geographic Society has once more attempted to capitalize upon the name of Jesus Christ by a promotion of the so-called “Gospel of Judas” in recent interviews, publications, etc. This controversy is much ado over nothing. In this article, Australian Christian scholar, Gary Young (Ph.D. in Roman history), puts this issue into its proper historical framework.
Did the Ancient Gentiles Have the Hope of Salvation?
Can Man Forgive Sins?
Does any man have the right to forgive sins? Some suggest that Jesus granted this authority to the apostles, and then, through them, to others (see John 20:23). Can you explain this passage?
Are We Under Law or Grace?
A significant group of misguided souls alleges that the “grace” of Jesus Christ has dispensed with the need for “law.” This “antinomian” ideology is designed to throw the mantle of fellowship around those who have not obeyed the Lord in the process of becoming a Christian. The adversarial conflict that some see between “grace” and “law” is false.
What About Christian Fellowship?
There are extremes to the left and right on the topic of Christian fellowship.
Who Is a Christian?
The appellation of “Christian” is widely used as a category of people. But who, in fact, is (and who is not) a Christian?
I Was Sentenced to Death in the Electric Chair – A True Story
The following article is the true story of Clyde Thompson, once known as the “meanest man in Texas.” It wonderfully relates how the power of the gospel of Christ changed a vicious murderer into a great, soul-winning instrument of evangelism on behalf of men behind bars. This narrative was first published in a small tract (now out of print) distributed by Star Bible. It is reproduced here (with some slight editing and reformatting) for the benefit of our readers.
What Does the Bible Say About Ash Wednesday?
What is Lent and Ash Wednesday? Are these religious observances found in the Bible?
John 4:7 — Christ’s Love and Tradition
In the course of Jesus’ exchange with the woman at the well, Jesus actually violated three cultural traditions of His day. In so doing, however, the Lord demonstrated the encompassing interest of Heaven in lost humanity.
To What Law Were the Ancient Gentiles Accountable?
The Jews of the Old Testament regime were responsible to the law of Moses. But what law were the Gentiles under? This is a question that perplexes many Bible students.
1 Kings 12 — The Sin of Jeroboam
What was the sin of Jeroboam? Unauthorized innovation — still a problem to this day.
What Is the Meaning of “Tender Plant. . . out of Dry Ground”?
What is the meaning of that mysterious phrase, “a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground,” as found in Isaiah 53:2? It is a marvelous prophecy regarding Christ. Study it with us.
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
An Atheistic Assault upon the “Design” Argument
An atheist thinks he has crafted an ingenious argument against the time-tested concept of “design demands an intelligent designer.” But his reasoning is logically flawed and internally inconsistent.
The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship—Part 2
What is acceptable worship? This article is the second in a two-part series.