Lessons Learned Through Illness
There are several ways in which one may respond to illness. One is to try and learn from the experience and attempt to develop into a better person. Another is to become bitter and “sour” on life, making others around you miserable. The former is much to be preferred. Reflect with me on this matter.
Matthew’s Use of the Term “Fulfilled”
When the apostle Matthew wrote that an Old Testament prophecy had been “fulfilled” by Christ, just what did he mean? Engage in this study with us.
The Compassion of Christ
Jesus demonstrated compassion for hurting people in his life and in his teaching.
An Abused Passage — 2 John 9
Both the liberal left and the radical right have seriously distorted 2 John 9 to support their causes. What does this passage mean, and how does it relate to modern religious controversy?
Identifying the Church of the New Testament
Is it possible to rediscover the church of the New Testament in today’s world? Many sincere people have never considered this possibility. But is it possible?
The Controversy Rages: Mel Gibson’s “The Passion”
Mel Gibson’s motion picture, “The Passion of the Christ,” has ignited a storm of controversy, once again raising the question, “Who was responsible for the death of Jesus of Nazareth?” This week’s Penpoints explores this “hot” topic.
Salvation Is from the Jews
Jesus once declared, “Salvation is from the Jews.” What did he mean?
Deuteronomy 18:15-19 — A Prophet Like Moses
Moses prophesied of the coming leader of Israel that would be like unto him. This prophecy is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
Crossing the Rubicon
The expression “Crossing the Rubicon” is famous for deadly decisions that cannot be retracted. There are many of these in life that elicit some reflection.
Sexual Promiscuity — A National Plague
The level of sexual sin in American culture today has reached alarming levels. Such debauchery cannot abide without widespread and long-lasting detriments. What can the Christian do?
That Controversial Pledge, “Under God”
Last week the nation was thrown into a firestorm of controversy when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the phrase “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, when recited in schools, is in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Wayne Jackson offers his thoughts on this issue.
Fellow Workers for the Truth
How were some “fellow workers” (3 Jn. 8) received who had a commendation from the apostle John? While the “beloved apostle” commended Gaius, who “received” the church workers, others were censured for snubbing their noses, and treating the endorsed Christians like itinerate church cons.
Paul’s First Recorded Sermon
The first recorded sermon of Paul occurred in Antioch of Pisidia (see picture of historical ruins). Some were converted, many were not.
Psalm 69 – A Plea for God’s Deliverance
Psalm 69 provides comfort to those passing through difficult times.
Church Growth: By the Gospel or By Gimmicks?
Is the gospel still sufficient for church growth? Are modern gimmicks necessary to attract bigger crowds?
Does God Speak Directly to People Today?
Is there any evidence that God speaks directly to people today? What does the Bible say?
Christian Priorities
What does Jesus expect from his disciples?
How Do I Cope with Bitterness?
How can we forgive but still feel resentment at times?
Woman’s Role in the Church
Does the Bible teach that there are different roles for men and women in the scheme of God’s plan for the church?
2 Thessalonians 2:3 — The Falling Away
This context has been the subject of great controversy. What exactly is th “falling away” and who is the “man of sin”?