Questions from the Book of Romans
What is the law of sin (Rom. 7:25) and what is the “law written in their hearts” (Rom. 2:15)?
The Burial of Christ’s Body
Why was Christ’s burial important in the scheme of redemption?
Jesus Christ: Approved, Disapproved, and Proved
On the day of Pentecost, Peter preached Jesus — his approval by God, his disapproval by men, and the proving of his claim by his resurrection.
The Meaning of Romans 3:31
Many are confused as to the meaning of Romans 3:31. In this article we explore the meaning of the sacred text.
Those Bogus “Bible Codes”
In recent years much publicity has been given to certain “Bible codes” that are reputed to predict future events. Some even claim that these codes are evidence for the divine origin of the Scriptures. What are the facts? Wayne Jackson addresses this in this month’s Feature article.
The Spirit of Generosity — A Study in Contrasts
In this study, we would like to call attention to some biblical contrasts with reference to the matter of generosity versus stinginess. It is an enterprise which will reveal, quite astoundingly, how God views these traits.
Responding to Critics on the “Instrumental Music” Issue
In the past we have published several articles dealing with the innovation of using mechanical instruments of music in Christian worship. These essays have generated a flood of critical responses. We have categorized these defensive arguments, and in this article we offer our rebuttal.
The Crucifixion of Christ
A study of the crucifixion of Christ in the light of history, archaeology, and prophecy yields a greater appreciation for this seminal event of human history.
An Analysis of Romans 14
The fourteenth chapter of Romans is a marvelous treatise in which the inspired apostle encourages the strong to assist the weak so that the cause of Christ might be united. It contains such rich lessons for the church of today.
The Compassion of Christ
Jesus demonstrated compassion for hurting people in his life and in his teaching.
The Mystery of God
In the Book of Colossians, Paul develops the theme of Jesus Christ’s role in the great “mystery” of God. In this article, Jason Jackson explores this exciting theme.
A Study of Romans 14
Romans 14 is an intriguing piece of literature. Often misunderstood and frequently abused, it offers much instruction for the spiritually minded student.
A Common Faith and Common Salvation
The Scriptures speak of the “common” faith and the “common” salvation. Does this term allow for the divergent views and practices in today’s world of “Christendom”? Does it permit various modes of “salvation”?
The Unique Case of Cornelius
The conversion of Cornelius in Acts 10 contains valuable lessons for today.
Three Dimensions of Love
The greatest commandment ... love.
A Prayer of the Afflicted: A Study of Psalm 102
A simple statement spoken in sincerity, “I know how you feel,” are words that are like apples of gold in settings of silver ... especially during times of great tragedy and distress.
Will Heaven Be on Earth?
There is a popular view that “heaven” will be on “earth,” after our planet has been purged by fire at the end of time. This theory is wholly without merit and results from a failure to understand the symbolic nature of several passages of scripture.
Who Is a Christian?
The appellation of “Christian” is widely used as a category of people. But who, in fact, is (and who is not) a Christian?
A Jewish Rabbi Converts to Christ
Jesus’ introduction to Nicodemus in John 3 contains rich treasures for those patient enough scrutinize the few passages.
The New Testament Pattern of Giving
Are there any binding ordinances for Christian giving in the New Testament?