A Simple Study of the Word “Must”
Words are vehicles of information; even the smallest words can be packed with meaning. Such is the case with the term “must.” Often overlooked; more often ignored, this important word must be studied carefully.
Luke, the Beloved Historian
The preface to Luke’s Gospel account is packed with exciting information that lays the foundation for the credibility of his specifically designed narrative relating to the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson directs our attention to some of these matters.
Stephen’s Final Prayer
Stephen was the first Christian martyr. His final recorded words were a prayer directed to his Savior. This narrative contains some rich truths.
What Must I Know To Be Saved?
Unlike some other religions, the validity of Christian faith rests upon what we believe about the gospel of Christ. But what exactly must one know to become a child of God? Let’s explore these thoughts in this brief article.
Your Land, O Immanuel
The interesting land of Israel plays a prominent role in the coming of Christ.
Did Christ Die as a “Sinner” upon the Cross?
Did Christ bear the “guilt” of human sin when he died on the cross? Or did he merely bear the “punishment” that was due us, as a consequence of our guilt?
When the Son of Man Comes
Are you ready? Are you a sheep or a goat? The Judgment Day is certain, and only through the teaching of Scripture can we prepare for it. The Lord’s teaching of Matthew 25:31-46 must be considered in view of the inevitable Day of the Lord.
Is the Gospel of Thomas Real or Fake?
Some scholars continue to insist that the so-called “Gospel of Thomas” is as authentic as the canonical Gospel records. What are the facts of this matter?
Evolution and the Doctrine of Original Sin
Denominationalists are vulnerable in defending creation due to erroneous views of the fall of man.
Do the Psalms Authorize Instrumental Music in Worship?
May one contend that while the “law” was abolished by the death of Christ, nonetheless, the Psalms remain; and the Psalms provide authority for worshipping God with instruments of music?
Identifying the Church of the New Testament
Is it possible to rediscover the church of the New Testament in today’s world? Many sincere people have never considered this possibility. But is it possible?
The Silence of Scripture: An Argument for Inspiration
What the Bible doesn’t tell us is an indication of its supernatural origin.
The Origin of Christianity
The impact and influence of primitive Christianity must be explained in its supernatural origin.
The Assault upon Mark 16:16
The denominational community has long assaulted Mark 16:16 due to the simplicity of the passage in including baptism as a preliminary condition of salvation. Now, such attacks are coming even from certain “change agents” within the body of Christ. This article highlights one such recent effort.
The Drawing Power of God
The Bible teaches that God “draws” people to himself. But how does God draw people? There is much confusion in the religious community regarding this important issue.
Is the Bible True?
The October 25th edition of U. S. News & World Report carried a sensational cover story titled “Is The Bible True?” The most significant thing about Jeffrey Sheler’s article, perhaps, is this: it reveals the telling concessions that even the most left-leaning thinkers are forced to make.
Reflections on the Pope
Is the New Testament information regarding Peter consistent with the image of the pope? Do the Scriptures teach that the church of Jesus Christ was founded upon the apostle Peter?
The Theology of Demons
It is a stunning phenomenon that many who profess faith in Jesus Christ actually entertain a theological belief system that fails to rise to the level of the “demonic.” Reflect upon the fascinating issue with us in this article.
The Bible: Word of God or Mere Words of Men?
Is the Bible a divine document inspired of God? If so, to what degree? Is it merely in sense or in sentence? Are the very words of the text inspired?
The Value of the Kingdom of Heaven
In two parables, Jesus emphasized the great value of his Kingdom.