What Is Leviathan?
This article discusses the possibility of “leviathan,” mentioned in Job, chapter 41.
Was Jesus Created By God?
Could Jesus have been created by God before the Universe existed? While the Jehovah’s Witnesses make this claim, the Bible does not support it.
Straight Talk About Homosexuality
Homosexuality is not the fun and free lifestyle that the media images we see everyday portray. It is a destructive and damnable pattern of behavior that is characterized as sinful rebellion against our Creator. But it can be overcome.
Television and Your Children
Do we realize the impact that television is having on our children? Can we fathom how the character of television is changing right before our eyes? Reflect on these questions in this week’s Penpoints article.
What Does “Makes Her an Adulteress” Mean?
Whenever folks discuss Christ’s restrictions on marriage and divorce, this question frequently arises. What is the meaning of the phrase “makes her an adulteress” in Matthew 5:32? Wayne Jackson answers this question.
Enuma Elish: A Babylonian “Creation” Account
An ancient archaeological find shows striking similarities between the Babylonians’ understanding of the history of creation and the creation account of Genesis.
Mark 11:20 – Jesus Curses a Fig Tree
Does Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree in Mark 11 reveal a “dark side” to the Savior? Not at all. Wayne Jackson explains this curious passage.
Should “Weak” Christians Be Disfellowshipped?
Should Christians who are merely “weak” be subject to the disfellowship process?
Training Killers
Author David Grossman has shown that the tactics employed by the military to turn young men into killing machines are prevalent in the entertainment media used by our youth.
Was God Cruel to Animals?
This is a response to those who may be critical of God for his command to Israel that they hock the horses taken in battle.
Timothy McVeigh and Capital Punishment
Do circumstances surrounding the execution of Timothy McVeigh argue for the elimination of the death penalty as a form of punishment for crimes against humanity?
Why Do Some Theologians Reject Biblical Inerrancy?
The notion that the Scriptures are inspired of God yet contain errors in matters pertaining to history, geography, and nature is absurd.
Is It Okay to Lie Sometimes?
Obfuscation is a type of lying. It is a form of lying that attempts to “sneak” around the truth without being so blatant. This article addresses this type of under-the-table dishonesty.
May A Woman Ever Teach A Man?
Is there New Testament authority for a woman to EVER teach a man in any circumstance?
Questions About Missions
Jason Jackson explores some guidelines for fulfilling our responsibility to preach the Word abroad.
Will Wicked People Be Annihilated in Hell?
This question discusses the ultimate fate of the wicked. Will it be annihilation or conscious suffering?
Are You Homophobic?
The “Gay community” is “in your face” these days, foisting their agenda of perversion upon a largely unsuspecting society. Progressively downward we seem to spiral, toward an abyss of amoral corruption. In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson responds to the oft-repeated charge of “homophobia.”
Meet Ted Turner—Thanks, I’d Rather Not!
A profile of millionaire and humanist, Ted Turner.
Did God Reward Midwives for Lying?
Did God reward the midwives who may have lied to Pharaoh, only to kill Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 for the same infraction? Does God deal prejudicially with people? Does the Bible represent the Lord as an inconsistent, unfair God? Let’s take a close look at a question that speculates on the justice of God.
Can Man Forgive Sins?
Does any man have the right to forgive sins? Some suggest that Jesus granted this authority to the apostles, and then, through them, to others (see John 20:23). Can you explain this passage?