Terminal Illness – Living Wills
The earthly life of Terry Schiavo has ended, but the controversy that surrounded this case is far from over. How does one assess these tragic life-and-death situations which are fraught with difficult ethical questions? Ponder this issue with us in this week’s Penpoints.
Prophetic Portraits of the Messiah
The Old Testament has much to say about Jesus Christ. The following outline will prove helpful in learning more about our Savior.
A Brief Study of the Angel of Jehovah
Who is the Angel of Jehovah in the Old Testament?
The Siege of Jerusalem
The destruction of God’s own city, Jerusalem, is a vivid warning to you and to me — of but yet another prophecy.
Seven Steps to Greater Bible Understanding
Here is a simple seven point plan to help one start understanding the Bible and its remarkable message.
What About Your Funeral?
If you could plan a message to be delivered at your own funeral, of what would it consist? You might want to give some thought to this question.
Was Christ’s Power Limited by Man’s Faith?
When Christ was in his “own country,” Mark says that “he could do no mighty work” there (Mark 6:5). What is the meaning of this perplexing passage?
Does God Change?
Does the fact that God doesn’t change mean that he still performs miracles today?
Who Was John the Baptist?
Who was John the Baptist? What was his relationship to Jesus?
The Tragedy of Racism
Many have been racist out of ignorance or weakness. Others, with a more ingrained disposition, have sought to defend it.
False Teachers; Destructive Heresies – 2 Peter 2:1
Paul’s Discourse to the Elders at Ephesus
As Paul concludes his third missionary journey, he pauses at Miletus to meet with the elders of the church in Ephesus. His words are filled with admonition and exhortation, and they contain many wonderful truths needed by today’s church. This month’s Feature deals with the apostle’s address.
Is Suicide the Answer?
Suicide has reached almost an epidemic stage in this country. Many view it as an easy “exit” from this life of hardship and heartache. But is it?
Nostradamus—Prophet or Pretender?
Was Nostradamus a prophet or pretender? Atheists allege his prophecies are just as impressive as prophecies found in the Bible.
Ellen Goodman and Those Creationists
Ellen Goodman recently wrote a meandering column venting her rage against certain “creationists,” who, occasionally, have altered their modus operandi in attempting to get a “toe in the schoolroom door.”
Seven “Laws” to Pray By
Does the privilege of prayer apply equally to every one? Are there limitations on objectives for which one may pray? Are there conditions regulating the effectiveness of prayer? Let us reflect upon these challenging questions.
The Yoke of Christ
Christianity is best for humankind because it fits us well. If you have burdens, come see what Christ has to offer.
The Menace of Radical Preterism
A brief review of the heretical doctrine of realized eschatology
Attacking God’s Plan of Salvation
Scholarly sources may be helpful, but good Bible students recognize any human source can be biased or flawed. God’s Word is the ultimate standard of faith and practice.
The English Standard Version
Wayne Jackson reviews the new English Standard Version translation of the Bible.