Is Sexual Self-stimulation Wrong?
Sometimes the most unpleasant topics are worthy of addressing for the benefit of others. That is the case with the theme below.
What About Christian Fellowship?
There are extremes to the left and right on the topic of Christian fellowship.
The English Standard Version
Wayne Jackson reviews the new English Standard Version translation of the Bible.
What Is Lasciviousness?
In a number of places in the New Testament, the sin of lasciviousness is strongly condemned. Exactly what lasciviousness?
Looking for God in All the Wrong Places
Have you ever heard of a “Christian Bar”? Jason Jackson considers the ethics of an “anything-goes” approach to evangelism.
Straight Talk About Homosexuality
Homosexuality is not the fun and free lifestyle that the media images we see everyday portray. It is a destructive and damnable pattern of behavior that is characterized as sinful rebellion against our Creator. But it can be overcome.
The Abuse of Love
Love is a fantastic emotion, from both divine and human vantage points. But it can be abused—and frequently is.
Let Me Die the Death of the Righteous
When the matter is duly considered, the Bible reveals that there are some similarities and also some significant differences in the deaths of the righteous and the wicked.
John Shelby Spong: Anglican Nightmare
John Shelby Spong, a retired bishop of the Anglican Church, has made a career of being a rogue “priest” who assaults almost everything that is sacred within the Christian religion. His outrageous ideology has been an embarrassment to many of his Anglican kinsmen. This week’s Penpoints focuses upon some of Spong’s theological aberrations.
Three Views of Self
None of us lives an isolated existence. While we see ourselves in a certain light, others may view us quite differently. Our Creator looks at us with absolute accuracy!
Corinth – A Troubled Church
The church in Corinth had numerous spiritual problems, one of which was its tolerance of flagrant immorality. In his letter to this church, the apostle delivers a sharp rebuke. Happily, it produce a healthy result.
Some Contrasts Between the Nature of the Mosaic System and Christianity
The Mosaic system was preparatory to the coming of the Christian system. While the two systems were complimentary, there are significant differences.
Divorce and Civil Law
Divorce and remarriage are serious moral issues. The law of God, as made known in the New Testament, is the standard of truth that regulates the institution of marriage. The Christian must seek to determine the will of God in times of marital difficulty, neither binding nor loosing where the Lord has not. This article discusses the relationship of divine and civil law to the institution of marriage.
Divorce and Remarriage: White, Black, or Gray?
Every sincere child of God takes the teaching of Christ on divorce and remarriage very seriously. But it isn’t always easy to know the clear cut answer to some marriage and divorce scenarios.
America—A Nation Out of Control
Is America out of control?
Does the Case of David and Bathsheba Justify Adultery Today?
The Old Testament account of David and Bathsheba’s scandalous affair is a sad episode in history. Does their conduct serve as a precedent, justifying adulterous relationships today? Some appeal to it to that end. Wayne
Jackson addresses this issue in this month’s Feature.
Jesus Christ: Church Inspector
Jesus noted both desirable and undesirable traits of the seven churches of Asia in the opening chapters of Revelation. His observations can be of supreme value today to those who desire to please Christ.
Principles of Interpretation: The “Expansion” Concept
The scope of a biblical verse may be expanded by supplementary information on the same subject in related passages. An understanding of this hermeneutical principle would prevent many an error.
Foolish Reasons for Getting Married
Marriage is an “until-death-do-us-part” commitment. It ought to be approached from a joyous, yet cautiously-solemn, vantage point. Marriage should be embraced for wise reasons, not foolish ones.
Can a Christian Ever Be Lost?