Who Is Lucifer?
Have you ever heard the devil referred to as “Lucifer”? What does this mean and where did this idea come from?
Must Terminally Ill Christians Artificially Prolong Life?
Must terminally ill Christians artificially prolong life?
Satan: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
Is Satan an actual living, personal being? What does the Bible reveal about this malevolent enemy of God and man?
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Was there ever a time when men and dinosaurs roamed the earth at the same time? What does the evidence indicate?
Was the Gospel Preached throughout the “Whole World” in the First Century?
There are several biblical passages which appear to indicate that the gospel was preached to the whole creation in the first century. How are these to be viewed? It is a problem that confuses many people. But there is a reasonable answer.
Struggling with Life’s Injustices
Is life fair? Many suggest it is not. Good people suffer and “fat-cat” crooks often prosper. Is there any sense to this? Let us reflect a bit deeper than the surface.
The Benevolent Influence of Christianity
Christianity has been the most benevolent influence in the history of the world. On occasion, even skeptics concede this truth.
A Message from an Angel
In the 14th chapter of the book of Revelation, John the apostle records a vision of several angels, who bring messages from God. This article addresses one of those messages.
Praise the Lord – A Study of Ephesians 1:1-14
When we contemplate who God is, what he has done, and what we will be, we will know exactly for what we should praise.
The Creation Week—Reflections on Genesis
This article is a listing of some of the many truths to be discovered from a study of Genesis chapter one.
What About the Iraq “War” Controversy?
As war clouds loom on the horizon, many wonder what the “Christian” position should be regarding this conflict. In response to a question, Wayne Jackson discusses some general biblical truths that relate to this matter.
Jesus Foretells the Coming Kingdom
Christ’s prophecy concerning his approaching kingdom, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, is a most controversial theme. In this article we provide a careful study of this declaration.
I’m a Good Christian. So Why Am I Sick and Poor?
If God blesses his people, why are there so many Christians who are sick or poor?
Life, A Precious Gift
Your life on earth is a precious gift. Do not ignore its value; do not squander it in trivial pursuits; do not let it slip away and leave you unprepared. This very day you may wish to contemplate the question: What is your life?
Our Universe: An Amazing Machine
Our amazing universe is a wonderful, intricately designed machine.
Islam and the Deity of Jesus Christ
Moslems insist that Jesus Christ was merely a “messenger” of God, in the same sense that others (e.g., Moses) were but prophets. They deny that he possessed the nature of deity, or that he even claimed to be the “Son of God.” But what does the actual evidence reveal?
The Explosive Growth of the Kingdom of Christ
In the parable of the Mustard Seed, Jesus predicted that his kingdom would start in a small, relatively obscure fashion; exhibit extraordinary growth; and increase to a large size in proportion to its beginning. History has wonderfully demonstrated the fulfillment of the Savior’s words.
Three Prayers of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving in prayer is a common theme in the Bible. This article focuses upon three “tenses” of prayers of thanksgiving.
Facts About the Second Coming of Christ
One of the most dominant themes in the New Testament is the second coming of Christ. Over the centuries, numerous false ideas have confused many regarding earth’s final event. Here are some facts about our Lord’s return...
Why Do Natural Disasters Happen?
The recent earthquake and subsequent tidal waves in the Indian Ocean have caused many to wonder why God allows such disasters to burden the earth. Is there any reasonable explanation for these events that respects the concept of the benevolence of our Creator?