Lessons from Lamentations
Did Jesus Promise to Send the Comforter to Me?
Do Christians today receive the Comforter as promised by Christ in the gospel of John?
Should a Christian Marry Outside the Faith?
This discussion addresses whether or not a Christian should marry “out of the faith.”
Those Bogus “Bible Codes”
In recent years much publicity has been given to certain “Bible codes” that are reputed to predict future events. Some even claim that these codes are evidence for the divine origin of the Scriptures. What are the facts? Wayne Jackson addresses this in this month’s Feature article.
The English Standard Version and Micah 5:2
Did the ESV translate Micah 5:2 in the best possible fashion? There is some controversy about this matter; study the issue with us.
Judas Iscariot: From Apostle to Apostate
Known as a traitor, Judas also was counted among the apostles before his notorious betrayal of Christ.
Heaven, The Home of Our Soul
Heaven is a place prepared for a prepared people.
This Generation Shall Not Pass Away
Are the visible signs of Matthew 24 indicators of the Lord’s Second Coming or of a conflict that would occur within the life span of “that generation”?
A Study of Divine Providence
Does God work in our lives today?
A Survey of the Major Prophets
The Major Prophets represent the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.
A Breathtaking View of the Love of Christ
Because of his overflowing love for humanity, could it be that Jesus chose to forever be identified with us in some way?
The Divine Pattern of Acceptable Worship — Part 1
What is acceptable worship? This article is the first in a two-part series.
What Is Adultery?
Several years ago, it would hardly have been necessary to discuss the meaning of “adultery.” Now many believe that adultery is merely the act of repudiating one’s marriage vows, rather than unauthorized sexual conduct involving one who is married.
Catholic Professor Protests
In 2003, we published a review of Dr. Thomas West’s book, Jesus and the Quest for Meaning. West is a Professor of Theology at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota. In our review, we censured Professor West for his unorthodox ideas relative to the resurrection of Christ. The Professor has vigorously protested our essay. As a courtesy to him, we are publishing his letter of protest, and our response to the same.
Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword – Part 2
The Lord expects his disciples to demonstrate a loving disposition, while, at the same time, defending the truth vigorously. All of us to some extent, have made errors in both of these areas. And sometimes, we do more harm than good when attempting to defend truth with incorrect reasoning. This is part two in a three-part series, “Defending the Faith with a Broken Sword.”
Responding to Critics on the “Instrumental Music” Issue
In the past we have published several articles dealing with the innovation of using mechanical instruments of music in Christian worship. These essays have generated a flood of critical responses. We have categorized these defensive arguments, and in this article we offer our rebuttal.
The God Who Heals
It goes without saying that a God who can create a man from the “dust of the ground” (Gen. 2:7), also has the ability – if he so chooses – to heal.
God’s Great Plan in Perpetuity
If one looks at each of the three processes involved in the salvation of mankind — development, consummation, and revelation, he should see that each was effected in perpetuity, and none is being replicated today.
The Haunting Question from the Cross
During the six hours in which he hung upon the cross, the Lord Jesus uttered seven sayings. Surely the most perplexing of these was his plaintive question, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46).
A Perversion of Biblical Faith
Valid faith is never passive. It becomes a redemptive quality only when it responds in implementing the will of Jehovah.