What Does the Bible Say About Ash Wednesday?
What is Lent and Ash Wednesday? Are these religious observances found in the Bible?
Is All Remarriage After Divorce Condemned?
Some allege that all second marriages following a divorce are prohibited. Does this theory have the support of Scripture? Has the New Testament information on this matter been corrupted? Study this issue with us.
Is the Apocrypha Inspired of God?
Why the Apocryphal books don’t belong in the inspired canon of Scripture.
Steve Allen’s Attack upon the Bible
This article, originally published in 1993, addresses the book written by popular songwriter-comedian, Steve Allen (1921-2000), Steve Allen on the Bible, Religion, and Morality.
The Papacy and Mark’s Significant Omission
The Roman Catholic Church teaches the dogma of the “primacy of Peter.” Does the Gospel of Mark hold a key piece of evidence pertaining to this controversy?
Is Religion Going to the Dogs?
In an effort to attract larger crowds, some churches are now encouraging animal-lovers to bring their pets to worship services. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson lampoons this ludicrous practice.
The Truth about The Da Vinci Code
The so-called Da Vinci Code has been the topic of animated conversation for some time. What are the facts about this mysterious “code”?
Can Man Forgive Sins?
Does any man have the right to forgive sins? Some suggest that Jesus granted this authority to the apostles, and then, through them, to others (see John 20:23). Can you explain this passage?
LaGard Smith’s New Book: ‘After Life’
LaGard Smith is a “scholar in residence” at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee. This lawyer/author has recently created a mild sensation with the publication of his latest book, After Life. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson provides a brief review of Smith’s book.
Congregational Autonomy: Not a Shield for Error
The Scriptures teach that each congregation of the Lord’s body is under self-rule, but with limitations. Sadly, some do not recognize these limitations and jeopardize their fidelity to sound doctrine.
Praying for the Dead
In times of great crisis, people cry out to God in prayer. While this is understandable, prayers for the dead are both futile, and contrary to biblical truth.
Did Paul Pray for the Dead?
Sincere Roman Catholics, and some Protestants, allege that Paul uttered a prayer on behalf of a deceased brother in Christ. Is there merit in this allegation. There is not. Study this with us.
A Perversion of Biblical Faith
Valid faith is never passive. It becomes a redemptive quality only when it responds in implementing the will of Jehovah.
Mary’s First Communion
What did Mary meditate on during communion?
President Obama Calls for Debate on Abortion
On May 17, 2009, President Obama called for a sensible debate on abortion during his commencement speech at Notre Dame University. However, when he was asked directly, “At what point does a baby get human rights?” by Rick Warren, the President ducked with the best of them: “that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.”
Did Mary, Jesus’ Mother, Ever Sin?
Did the mother of Jesus ever sin?
The Influence of Modern Trends on the Church
Is new always better than old? Not always. Some modern trends have had a negative impact on the church.
The Growing Defense of Sexual Child-Abuse
In recent years more-and-more “sex experts” are defending the vile practice of adult-child sexual relationships. This is but another symptom of the degenerating morality of American society.
Solomon’s Reflections on Death
In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon reflected on some of the issues pertaining to death. His observations conflict with many modern religious ideas.
Lessons from the Catacombs of Rome
The catacombs located beneath the city of Rome are a wonder of antiquity which reveal much about the early adherents to the Christian faith.