Why Do Some Theologians Reject Biblical Inerrancy?
The notion that the Scriptures are inspired of God yet contain errors in matters pertaining to history, geography, and nature is absurd.
Was Cornelius Saved Without Baptism?
Was Cornelius, the Roman centurion of Acts chapter ten, saved before and without baptism?
The Anthropic Principle
This article discusses the so-called anthropic principle, i.e., the idea that earth’s environment was created for the sake of mankind.
Reasoning from the Visible to the Invisible
Can one know that God exists? Can he know that he has been saved? If so, how? “Reason” with us on this important topic.
1 Thessalonians 4 – Hope in Christ
Study with us three important points from this passage.
A Study of Romans 14
Romans 14 is an intriguing piece of literature. Often misunderstood and frequently abused, it offers much instruction for the spiritually minded student.
Did the Law of Moses Continue until A.D. 70?
Did the law of Moses continue to be binding upon non-Christian Jews up until the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70? While some, who designate themselves as “realized eschatologists” so contend, there is no biblical support for this bizarre theory.
The Restoration of First-Century Christianity
Should we be trying to restore the New Testament pattern of Christianity? Or should we abandon the original ideal and modernize the church to keep up with the times?
When Love Grows Cold: A Profile of the Ephesian Church
This profile of the Ephesian church serves as an example for our learning.
The San Francisco Atheist Convention
What happens when the atheists get together—for worship?
Reports of Evidence for the Genesis Flood
This article addresses recent reports of possible evidence in the Black Sea for the Genesis flood.
Why Do Men Reject God?
Most people in the world, throughout the ages of history, have believed in some concept of a Supreme Being. Since unbelief is neither reasonable nor the norm, one cannot but wonder why some people become atheists.
The Corrupt “Incorruptible” Argument Against Baptism
A critic has disputed the biblical position that water baptism is requisite for the forgiveness of sins. He contends that one cannot be saved by a “corruptible” method. But “water” is corruptible. Thus, it has no place in the plan of redemption. Does the argument have merit? Read this article and see.
Simon, Simon
The complex life of the apostle Peter contains many valuable lessons for the child of God.
Paul’s Prayer for the Weak
Second Timothy chapter 4 contains a commentary upon the forgiving spirit of Paul. It also underscores the breathtaking mercy of the One who knows the true character of our hearts — even when we don’t live up to the highest ideal possible.
Did You Vote?
How can you really help change the direction of our nation? By following this simple plan.
In What Sense Has Christ Abolished Death?
Paul informed Timothy that Jesus Christ “abolished death” (2 Tim. 1:10). Yet, elsewhere the apostle indicates that death will not be abolished until the return of the Lord (see 1 Cor. 15:24-26). How is the Bible student to reconcile this seeming conflict?
Preacher Attempts to Walk on Water and Drowns
It is a sad occasion when a sincere but misguided persons attempts to “walk by faith,” but that “faith” is not grounded in the word of God. The following article illustrates this grim reality.
The Intercession of the Spirit
In a marvelous passage designed to inspire confidence in God’s oversight of our lives, Paul affirms that the Holy Spirit assists the Christian in his prayer life.
Job’s Redeemer
“I know that my Redeemer liveth, and at last he will stand up upon the earth.”