In the Days of His Flesh
The sacred expression, “in the days of his flesh,” is wonderfully rich — in its explicit affirmation and in its implications.
The Authorized Elements of Church Music
Jesus declared that “worship” must be consistent with revealed “truth” (John 4:24), namely God’s word (John 17:17). This includes the musical engagement of the church.
Sanitizing Entertainment
A family video store near Salt Lake City edits videos for the very reasonable price of only five dollars.
Training Killers
Author David Grossman has shown that the tactics employed by the military to turn young men into killing machines are prevalent in the entertainment media used by our youth.
Changing Theories in Astronomy
This article discusses the constantly fluctuating theories in the field of astronomy.
Have You Checked Those Numbers Lately?
While the Old Testament demanded the tithe from the Hebrews, the New Testament embodies a nobler challenge. Christians should carefully consider the percentage of their giving on the Lord’s day.
Who Controls the Kingdoms of This World?
Is there a contradiction between Daniel and Luke as to who is in control of the kingdoms of men?
Should We Lift “Holy Hands” When We Pray?
In his first letter to Timothy, Paul uses the expression, “lifting up holy hands” (1 Tim. 2:8). Does this suggest that one should hold up his hands when praying? Wayne Jackson addresses this question.
The Significance of Small Things
Have you considered the significance of “small things” — both good and evil?
Is Religion Going to the Dogs?
In an effort to attract larger crowds, some churches are now encouraging animal-lovers to bring their pets to worship services. In this week’s Penpoints, Wayne Jackson lampoons this ludicrous practice.
Does Free Agency Nullify Personal Responsibility?
A critic writes that if human beings have true “free agency,” then God could not punish them for their “sins.” He sees a conflict between the ideas of freedom and responsibility. Let us briefly consider this matter.
What About Judging Angels, Godfathers and Ezekiel’s Temple?
This week’s Question & Answer segment addresses concerns regarding the “judging of angels,” the practice of appointing a “Godfather,” and the matter of the Messiah and the “temple” pictured in the book of Ezekiel.
The Siege of Jerusalem
The destruction of God’s own city, Jerusalem, is a vivid warning to you and to me — of but yet another prophecy.
What Happened to the Ten “Lost” Tribes?
The Northern Kingdom of ancient Israel is frequently referred to as “the ten lost tribes.” But were they ever lost? They were not—some cultic theories to the contrary notwithstanding.
The Credibility of the Book of Acts
Professor Henry J. Cadbury of Harvard once pointed out that the book of Acts readily “lends itself” to establishing the “realism of the scenes and customs and mentality which it reflects.” Acts is accurate! Reflect upon this point with us.
The Truth about The Da Vinci Code
The so-called Da Vinci Code has been the topic of animated conversation for some time. What are the facts about this mysterious “code”?
Titus 1:3 – Paul’s Divine Message
How should we view the writings of Paul? The apostle claimed that his message was from God.
Job 5:13 – The Book of Job Is Scripture
Paul identified the book of Job as Scripture.
Deuteronomy 18:15-19 — A Prophet Like Moses
Moses prophesied of the coming leader of Israel that would be like unto him. This prophecy is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
The Value of Modesty
Is modesty a lost virtue? Can it be regained?