The Separation of Paul and Barnabas
The seemingly tragic separation of Paul and Barnabas is well known to serious Bible students. What was the cause of this breach of work-association? Who was to blame? What might the Christian learn from this episode? Study this case with us.
Terminal Illness – Living Wills
The earthly life of Terry Schiavo has ended, but the controversy that surrounded this case is far from over. How does one assess these tragic life-and-death situations which are fraught with difficult ethical questions? Ponder this issue with us in this week’s Penpoints.
What Is the Morning Star of Revelation 2:28?
What is the “morning star” promised to the faithful who overcome?
What Is a Pastor?
It is not uncommon to hear religious people refer to a minister as “the pastor” of the church. There is no such thing as “the pastor” of a church. The term “pastor” is greatly abused in the community of Christendom.
Looking for God in All the Wrong Places
Have you ever heard of a “Christian Bar”? Jason Jackson considers the ethics of an “anything-goes” approach to evangelism.
Can Job Be a True Story?
Is the book of Job an historical account? Or is it a fiction invented to teach a valuable lesson?
The Vision of Obadiah
Obadiah is the shortest Old Testament book. This small book has, amazingly and providentially, survived more than 2500 years, and while it contains a message of judgment for an ancient neighbor of Israel, it has many relevant messages for us today.
Buy a Sword?
When Jesus said, “Buy a sword,” what did he mean?
What About the Sins of Bible Heroes?
How does the sincere Bible student explain the terrible sins of some of its greatest heroes?
The Canaanite Woman: A Conflict between Matthew and Mark?
In two Gospel narratives, representing the same incident, one writer refers to a certain woman as a Canaanite, while another calls her a Syrophoenician Greek. Does this constitute a Bible contradiction?
Jesus, Cursed by God
What is the symbolic meaning behind the statement that Jesus was hung on a tree when he was actually hung on a cross?
The Meanings of “Righteous”
This article explores the use of the word “righteous” in Scripture.
Matthew 5:5 — Meek Inherit the Earth
What is “meekness”? And what did Jesus mean when he said the meek will “inherit the earth”?
Philippians 2:6 – Existing in the Form of God
Did Jesus Christ lay aside His deity when He became human?
Colossians 2:12 — Baptism – A Working of God
The Bible denies that man is saved by works of human merit. But what about “works of God.” Study this commonly misunderstood issue with us.
What Is the Meaning of “Tender Plant. . . out of Dry Ground”?
What is the meaning of that mysterious phrase, “a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground,” as found in Isaiah 53:2? It is a marvelous prophecy regarding Christ. Study it with us.
Science and Faith: The Budding Romance
Why does there seem to be a sort of new “romance” between science and faith? Is it because people of “faith” have been willing to compromise their convictions about evolution?
Some Atheistic Arguments Answered
Atheism is a philosophical system of contradiction and confusion. Atheists do, however, attempt to argue their case. In this article, we will analyze two of the popular arguments employed in defense of atheism.
Immanuel — God Is With Us
The name “Immanuel” in Hebrew means “God is with us,” and the prophecy finds its fulfillment in the birth of Jesus Christ.
In the Steps of Abraham
The life of Abraham abounds with lessons from which the sincere child of God can profit.