An Attack upon the Trinity
Occasionally a book will appear among the people of God that is so fraught with error that it requires comment. Such is the case with the recently-published, Theology Simplified. This week’s Penpoints takes note of this volume.
John Shelby Spong: Anglican Nightmare
John Shelby Spong, a retired bishop of the Anglican Church, has made a career of being a rogue “priest” who assaults almost everything that is sacred within the Christian religion. His outrageous ideology has been an embarrassment to many of his Anglican kinsmen. This week’s Penpoints focuses upon some of Spong’s theological aberrations.
Book Review: Spicq’s Theological Lexicon of the New Testament
Books are a minister’s treasure. Here’s a review of a magnificent three-volume set, Spicq’s Theological Lexicon of the New Testament. We recommend this work very highly.
Some Facts About Death
Death is a mysterious subject—one that many are ill at ease in discussing. But the Bible can provide one with an altogether different perspective.
My Cup Runs Over
In that delightful twenty-third Psalm, the writer (most likely David) depicts the lavish blessings bestowed by God. Surely the devout child of God today can echo those sentiments in his own life.
Dignity in Worship Leadership
What Is the Purpose of Bible Genealogies?
Why are all those lists of names in the Bible?
Does 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Constitute a Binding Pattern?
Some attempt to argue that Christians are not commanded to give a weekly contribution based on 1 Corinthians 16:1-2.
Is a Child Who Commits Suicide Lost?
We recognize that suicide is wrong, but what if a child takes his own life?
Was Jesus Created By God?
Could Jesus have been created by God before the Universe existed? While the Jehovah’s Witnesses make this claim, the Bible does not support it.
Why Is King David’s “Grocery List” in the Bible?
Critics claim the Bible is filled with irrelevant material. Is there any purpose in seemingly trivial information in God’s Word?
Behold, Behemoth!
In the concluding portion of the book of Job, God introduces, as an example of his power, the great creature, Behemoth. What was this great creature? Wayne Jackson discusses the various theories offered by way of identification.
A Tough Journalist Looks at the Case for Christ
Lee Strobel became convinced that the evidence for the identity of Jesus as the Son of God is rock solid. His book is the record of his intriguing journey from atheist to believer.
Tiny Clues – Dramatic Results
The New Testament record of women being the first witnesses to Christ’s resurrection argues for the integrity of the biblical records.
Divorce and the Guilty Party
May the guilty person in a divorce because of fornication remarry?
Are the Unfaithful Still “Christians”?
When a child of God abandons his faith, is it still appropriate to refer to him as a “Christian”? What is the significance of this revered name?
Ignore this Lesson and You’re History!
It is unfortunate that so many think they can trifle with the Creator of the Universe and not be held accountable. What a tragic mistake this is.
Is Christianity Polytheistic?
How is Christianity different than religions that worship several gods?
Tutoring in the Shadow of Darwin
This article reviews the recent scholarship prize award by John N. Clayton.
Are the Gospels a Part of the New Testament?
Some allege that the Gospel Accounts—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—reflect Old Testament legislation, and therefore these books do not constitute an authoritative body of instruction for Christians. This article addresses the fallacy of this kind of reasoning.