The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
On Sunday, before his crucifixion on Friday, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. The crowds worshipped him. What was the significance of the momentous event? Study this episode with us; it is rich with precious truths.
Does Divine Justification Exclude Human Obedience?
It is frequently alleged that “justification” is a process accomplished wholly by God, and any “obedience” on the part of man is excluded. But this theory, sincere as it may be, is seriously erroneous. Study this issue with us.
Be Still and Know that I Am God
The admonition, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psa. 46:10), is often misunderstood. In this brief article, Jason Jackson explores the meaning of the sacred text.
Jesus’ Prophecy and the Destruction of the Temple
Shortly before his death, Christ informed his disciples that the Jewish temple would be destroyed, and not one stone would be left upon another. Some claim the prophecy failed. What are the facts?
Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible
Evidence of scientific foreknowledge in the Bible points to the original author—God!
The Saga of Shebna
An interesting archaelogical find may provide incidental confirmation of an Old Testament narrative.
Answering the Fool
Answer a fool. Don’t answer a fool. What is the right thing to do?
What Is the Meaning of “Corban”?
What did Jesus mean in Mark 7:11-12 when he condemned the Pharisees’ practice of “Corban”?
The Preacher’s Private Life: Study Habits
Our great need today is “prophets” — not promoters, pushers, psychologists, and pleasers. In this presentation, Wendell Winkler discusses the answer to this need — study.
Is Man a Naked Ape?
English zoologist Desmond Morris once characterized human beings as naked apes. This was his cute, dramatic attempt to promote the theory of organic evolution. Is there any evidence to support this view?
Larry King Hosts Pat Boone, Max Lucado, and Others
Pat Boone appeared on Larry King Live to ask for prayers and miracles on behalf of his grandson. Is his faith misdirected?
Does God Speak Directly to People Today?
Is there any evidence that God speaks directly to people today? What does the Bible say?
How Do You Explain Joshua’s Long Day?
Can the devout Bible student believe in the Old Testament account of a longer-than-normal day, during the time of Joshua? Was this a miracle, or just a poetic expression?
Pass Over “The Passover Plot”
For some twenty centuries critics of the Bible have sought to discredit the scriptural narrative regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. These efforts have all been characterized by a similarly frustrated and futile line of baseless argument. One such endeavor in recent decades was Hugh J. Schonfield’s infamous, The Passover Plot. In this weeks Penpoints, Jason Jackson reminds us of this anemic enterprise.
The Significance of Christ’s Resurrection
Five important points to remember about the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead
Abraham – A Case of Old Testament Accuracy
Several important achaeological discoveries demonstrate once again the uncanny accuracy of the Bible.
Was Potential Sin by Christ Prophesied?
This question explores the possiblity of whether Nathan prophesied about the possible sin of Christ.
Pope Issues Apostolic Letter on 24th Anniversary of His “Petrine Ministry”
On October 16, 2002, John Paul II celebrated the anniversary of his 24th year of service as pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. News commentators compared this lengthy tenure with that of Peter himself! In this week’s Penpoints, Jason Jackson discusses the alleged connection between the apostle Peter and the man who now claims to be the apostle’s modern successor.
Richard Dawkins: God Hater
Richard Dawkins’s book, The God Delusion, received laudatory praise from the press for his diatribe against religion. Does his arguments against faith in God hold merit? Wayne Jackson responds.
Scholastic Subterfuge
When the plan of salvation is so easy to understand, why do some go to such great lengths to obscure it?