The BBC’s Theory on the Biblical Plagues
England’s most famous broadcasting facility, the BBC, has just released a TV special which attempts to explain the biblical plagues (visited upon Egypt in the days of Moses) as nothing more than a series of purely natural events. But will that analysis stand the test of critical examination? See for yourself.
Resurrection: Literal or Merely Symbolic?
When the New Testament speaks of the resurrection, is it speaking of a literal resurrection of the body or merely a “symbolic” resurrection?
Manufacturing “Slave Babies”
Recent polls indicate that many Americans have no objection to the production of “designer children” from which to extract needed materials for the use of others. In the process numerous, innocent, unborn children will be sacrificed. Has our nation lost her conscience?
To What Law Were the Ancient Gentiles Accountable?
The Jews of the Old Testament regime were responsible to the law of Moses. But what law were the Gentiles under? This is a question that perplexes many Bible students.
The Elders’ Duty of Watchfulness
Watchfulness over the flock is one of the most serious responsibilities of the eldership.
A Skeptic Reflects upon Jesus Christ
This article discusses author Lee Stroble’s interview with skeptic, Charles Templeton.
Killers Killing Killers
Murder is always a despicable act.
A Skeptic Disputes the Resurrection of Christ
A former college professor has recently disputed the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. His comments are a good example of the weakness of skepticism’s case. In this article, Wayne Jackson reviews his assertions.
The Continuing Search for Man’s “Fossil” Ancestor
When you read of another new discovery relative to man’s “apeish” ancestors, file it away; within a few months or years, the story will be different!
What Is a Missionary Society?
What is a missionary society? Some Christians carelessly throw that designation around, labeling perfectly legitimate works with this pejorative expression.
The Folly of Atheism
Many atheists proclaim themselves to be intellectuals. In fact, they are fools.
President Obama Calls for Debate on Abortion
On May 17, 2009, President Obama called for a sensible debate on abortion during his commencement speech at Notre Dame University. However, when he was asked directly, “At what point does a baby get human rights?” by Rick Warren, the President ducked with the best of them: “that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.”
Jesus Christ: The First and the Last
In this discussion, we pay special attention upon the phrase, “the first and the last,” as it appears in Revelation 1:17-18.
Modernism and the Virgin Birth of Christ
Does the biblical evidence support John D. Crossan’s claims that Jesus was not virginally conceived?
Jesus’ Sayings on Sin
Christ taught much about sin, and we would profit from a humble reflection on some of the sayings of Jesus about sin.
May a Christian Declare Bankruptcy?
Is it ever permissible for the Christian to file for bankruptcy? This is not a question that has a simple answer. General biblical principles dealing with finances must be studied carefully.
Will There Be Personal Recognition in Heaven?
Will we recognize friends and loved ones in Heaven?
Problems for the Theory of Evolution
The theory of evolution is so besieged with problems that it’s amazing it is so widely believed.
Do Women Have to Keep Silent in the Church?
Must a woman keep silent in the church? The term “silence” in 1 Corinthians 14:34 is often misunderstood and misapplied.
Is the Genesis Creation Account Poetry?
Some suggest that Genesis 1 and 2 are not literal accounts of actual history. Instead, much of the narrative is poetic, with elements of history embedded. But what does the evidence show?