Our Amazing Zip Code System
With every advancement in our understanding of life, especially our own bodies, the fingerprint of an all-powerful, all-wise Creator is even more clearly seen.
Matthew 28:19-20 – Four Important Points About the Great Commission
Four important points from Matthew’s account of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20).
The Starbucks Agenda: Want some “theology” with your latte?
Want some twisted “theology” with that early morning steaming latté? You can obtain it at Starbucks.
How Ought We to Behave? A Response to Socrates
How amazing it is that the deep and manifold longings of the antique pagan world were so wonderfully satisfied in the advent of God’s Messiah.
More Skull-Duggery
In July, 2002, another “sensational” fossil discovery was announced. A skull had been found that supposedly thrust humans back some six million years. What are the actual facts regarding this matter?
Stephen J. Gould (1941-2002)
Harvard’s noted anti-creationist, Stephen J. Gould, recently died after a lengthy battle with cancer. In this article, Wayne Jackson comments regarding the professor’s controversial legacy.
An Atheist’s Daughter
Would you like to have an insight into the thinking of the daughter of one of the world’s most prominent atheists? Then read this article. It pertains to the daughter of Bertrand Russell, the famed British philosopher.
Bible Accuracy
“To err is human.” This truth is forcefully illustrated when one examines the literary productions of mankind. Amazingly, however, the Bible is unblemished by the flaws that generally characterize man’s writings.
Was Mohammed a Prophet?
Was Mohammed another prophet of God? Is there any evidence that would support that claim?
About This Web Site
Dr. Watson Bombs at Berkeley
This article discusses a recent speech by Dr. James Watson, co-discoverer of DNA, at the University of California at Berkeley.
Clapping as an Accompaniment to Singing in Worship
Does clapping with singing aid our worship with inconsequential zest or is it an addition to what has been commanded in scripture?
What About That “a god” Translation in the Jehovah’s Witness Bible?
Why does the Jehovah’s Witness’ Bible render John 1:1 as, “the Word was a god”?
Advice to Aspiring Writers
Some friendly advice to aspiring Christian writers from a man of experience.
Is Gambling a Moral Issue?
Is gambling a “moral” issue? Some suggest that it is not; it is merely a pragmatic issue.
Evolution’s Useless-Organ Argument
A discussion of the so-called vestigial organs
On January 31, 2000, we reported in an article titled Another Fossil Flub about the embarrassing admission National Geographic posted on their web site, January 24, 2000. Now, we learn there was more than just an accidental mix up.
Are We Hooking Our Kids on Drugs?
This essay is a discussion of the growing trend of drug treatment for children.
The Blind Bookwriter
There are none so blind as who will not see.
Why Does Hebrews 8:13 Use the Present Tense?
Some Bible students are puzzled that the writer of Hebrews uses present tense forms (8:13) to depict the passing of the Mosaic law. How are these to be explained in light of Bible teaching elsewhere that the law of Moses was abolished by the death of Christ (Eph. 2:15)?