What Is a Publican in the New Testament?
Jewish tax collectors were hated in the first century. But Jesus loved them anyway, and they form the basis of an interesting profile study on Christ’s ministry.
Fellow Workers for the Truth
How were some “fellow workers” (3 Jn. 8) received who had a commendation from the apostle John? While the “beloved apostle” commended Gaius, who “received” the church workers, others were censured for snubbing their noses, and treating the endorsed Christians like itinerate church cons.
Are Modern Church Buildings Digressive?
Does the use of a modern church building constitute a digression of the divine pattern? Though some so claim, the New Testament does not support this notion.
The Campbell-Purcell Debate (1837)
The sexual improprieties of many priests within the Roman Catholic Church is a stormy controversy these days. Is this problem a natural result of the Church’s attitude regarding sexual activity? Read this article and draw your own conclusion.
Is All Remarriage After Divorce Condemned?
Some allege that all second marriages following a divorce are prohibited. Does this theory have the support of Scripture? Has the New Testament information on this matter been corrupted? Study this issue with us.
Is Sexual Self-stimulation Wrong?
Sometimes the most unpleasant topics are worthy of addressing for the benefit of others. That is the case with the theme below.
What About Moderate Social Drinking?
This article responds to a number of arguments which attempt to defend the practice of social drinking.
How Many Resurrections Will There Be?
Some advocates of the millennial scheme suggest there will be two resurrections separated by a one-thousand-year reign of Jesus on earth. What does God’s Word have to say on this subject?
Building Character before the Concrete Sets
The time to work on your child’s character is when they are young, not old.
May A Woman Ever Teach A Man?
Is there New Testament authority for a woman to EVER teach a man in any circumstance?
Command or Culture: Discerning the Difference
What is a command in the New Testament and what is merely cultural and not binding today?
A Bible-Believing People
Your attitude toward the Scriptures determines how God’s Word will influence your life.
Obsessive Personalities
An obsession is a persistent, compulsive preoccupation with something. It could be a person, an idea, or desire. The New Testament condemns addictive, obsessive behavior as a spiritual abnormality.
Holocaust: Why Did It Happen?, The
Civilized men lament the Holocaust (1933-45) as one of the darkest eras of modern history. There is, however, almost a conspiracy of historical silence—few journalists care to reflect upon just why Hitler and his associates perpetrated that infamous evil.
Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible
Evidence of scientific foreknowledge in the Bible points to the original author—God!
Baseball, Apple Pie, and Persecution
Persecution of God’s people has always been a reality. Some who contributed toward the founding of this nation fled persecution. Now, the country conceived for the liberty of all is becoming a hotbed of anti-Christian sentiment. What should the Christian do?
Is Church Attendance Required?
Are Christians required to attend the formal worship meetings of their local congregation? There are varying views on this theme that are reflected in fluctuating patterns of church attendance. Let’s take a look at this issue.
The Jesus Seminar – Part 2
A response to The Jesus Seminar, as featured by the Peter Jennings ABC special, In Search of Jesus
The Shocking New “Christian” Generation
Many analysts see some serious “flaws” in what is called “the new Christian generation.” It does appear there are serious problems with many who identify themselves with Jesus Christ.
Church Growth: By the Gospel or By Gimmicks?
Is the gospel still sufficient for church growth? Are modern gimmicks necessary to attract bigger crowds?