Have You Been Called by God?
Many speak of being “called” by God. From the biblical perspective, how is this accomplished? In this week’s Question and Answer session, Jason Jackson addresses this inquiry.
Luke 11:50 – The Earth, Mankind, and Jesus Christ
Evolutionists claim the earth is much older than mankind. What is the Lord’s position on that topic?
John 11:3,5 – Jesus, Lazarus, and Agape Love
The account of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead helps us to understand the significance of agape love.
Did Paul Pray for the Dead?
Sincere Roman Catholics, and some Protestants, allege that Paul uttered a prayer on behalf of a deceased brother in Christ. Is there merit in this allegation. There is not. Study this with us.
Help My Unbelief!
Once we cease struggling with our faith, and let it slide, we are headed down a slippery slope that may lead to eternal ruin. What a horrible thought to contemplate. Lord, I believe; but help me in my times of unbelief!
Did Jesus Violate the Sabbath?
A Christian writer/speaker, who travels extensively and lectures on “Does God Exist?,” has written that the Bible indicates that Jesus, on one occasion, “violated” the Old Testament Sabbath-day law. He has cited the Gospel of Mark 2:23-24. Would you comment on this?
Was Jesus “Gruff” and “Explosive”?
Sometimes well-meaning writers attribute to Christ incorrect attitudes or actions. We must be careful not to do that. Let us look carefully at this important issue.
Is There a Future Kingdom?
The New Testament clearly teaches that the kingdom of Christ was established on the day of Pentecost. But it also reveals a “kingdom” that is eternal and heavenly that is yet to come.
Jesus Showed Himself Alive By Many Proofs
What evidence is there that Jesus actually rose from the dead?
The Christian As a Sermon
A Christian life well-lived is a better sermon than what is only said.
Herodotus and the Bible
This article shows how the histories of Herodotus confirm the reliability of the Bible.
Jude 2 – Kept for Jesus Christ
The fact that we are “kept” for Jesus Christ does not diminish our responsibility.
We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Often we deceive ourselves, thinking that we can escape immediate consequences. After all, we can change someday — some convenient season. Actually, we can not avoid the destructiveness of habitual sin (Hebrews 3:12-13). Let us learn from several who were caught in the act that we might always take sin seriously.
Christian Priorities
What does Jesus expect from his disciples?
Jeremiah 1:5 – Jeremiah’s Call
There are three features of God’s call of Jeremiah that are important to note.
Testing the Spirits
A preacher or teacher must accept the heavy responsibility the Scriptures lay upon that role. His audience also has a responsibility—to test his message, whether or not it is from God.
Peter Vs. the Papacy
The literature of the Roman Catholic Church makes the claim that the apostle Peter was the original Pope, and the earthly “head” of the Church. Do the apostle’s personal writings sustain this view? Read this week’s Penpoints article for a discussion of this issue.
Jesus and Laughter
An atheist’s laughable attempt to criticize the Lord’s teaching is exposed.
Jesus: The Master Teacher
The greatest teacher who ever lived was a carpenter from Nazareth. His benevolent influence is beyond dispute by even his critics.
1 Timothy 1:20 – Delivered unto Satan
What does Paul mean when he stated that he had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander unto Satan? What great sin warranted this action?