Job, Behemoth, and Dinosaurs
Justified by Faith
Romans 5:1-2 is a beautiful text, so filled with meaning. Unfortunately, it has been terribly misunderstood by many. Study this sacred passage with us.
Job’s Redeemer
“I know that my Redeemer liveth, and at last he will stand up upon the earth.”
Is the Bible Obsolete?
Is the Bible obsolete since it was written so long ago and the world has changed so much?
Is a Literal Interpretation of Genesis 1 Important?
Does it really matter how one interprets Genesis 1, so long as he believes the basic truth that God was the Creator?
News Story Focuses Spotlight on Aspects of Mormonism
The sensational news story regarding the return of the kidnapped Salt Lake City teen has caused public attention to be focused upon certain aspects of Mormon doctrine. This week’s Penpoints article highlights a couple of these issues.
Is There Scientific Proof of Joshua’s Long Day?
Is the so-called scientific proof for Joshua’s “long day” reliable?
Ephesians 2:3 – By Nature Children of Wrath
Does this passage prove the Calvanistic doctrine of hereditary total depravity? Not in the least.
May a Minister “Opt Out” of Social Security?
Is it a violation of ethics for a minister to “opt out” of the Social Security program?
Colossians 2:12 — Baptism – A Working of God
The Bible denies that man is saved by works of human merit. But what about “works of God.” Study this commonly misunderstood issue with us.
What About Salvation in ‘Hard Cases’?
A recent news item highlighted a case where an inmate was refused the privilege of being immersed for the remission of his sins. A chorus of sectarian voices argued that “hard cases” like this negate the belief that baptism is a necessary condition for salvation. Is this quibble valid?
What About Polygamy?
Is the practice of polygamy acceptable today? What about in other countries?
Will a Properly Trained Child Never Go Wrong?
If a child is trained correctly, can he ever go wrong? What is the “rod” of correction?
Take Heed Lest You Fall
Does the Bible teach that a Christian cannot ever fall away from grace?
Loving Life; Seeing Good Days
Do you love living? Are your days “good” ones or “bad” ones? Your manner of living and your attitude can make a difference.
Can We Understand the Bible Alike?
Recently a preacher raised the question: “Can we all understand the Bible alike?” He declared that we cannot, and asserted that those who believe that we can are simply entertaining an ignorant viewpoint.
Do Genesis 10 and 11 Conflict with Reference to the Languages in the Earth?
Some critics of the Bible allege that there is a contradiction between Genesis chapters 10 and 11. Chapter 10 mentions various “tongues” or “languages,” while chapter 11 suggests the entire earth was of one language before the tower of Babel incident. What is the truth of the matter?
The Christian Priesthood
Christianity Today Editor Just Doesn’t Understand
An associate editor of has severely criticized the teaching methods of Jesus. In doing so, he has reflected upon himself far more than he has the Lord.
What Is the Answer to the “Green Tree” Riddle?
On his way to Golgotha, Christ addressed a group of Jerusalem’s weeping women, and asked: “For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?” What is the meaning of this mysterious “green tree” saying?