What About Baptism on the Day of Pentecost?
Some allege that some 3,000 people could not have been immersed on the day of Pentecost because: (a) There was not enough time for twelve apostles to accomplish that feat; (b) There was not enough water in Jerusalem to accommodate such a great multitude.
Is There Not A Cause?
The account of David and Goliath’s battle teaches numerous spiritual principles.
What Is a Necessary Inference?
Is “necessary inference” a valid method of arriving at biblical truth?
Does Ezra Deserve Criticism?
After the return from Babylonian captivity, Ezra commanded certain men to put away their foreign wives. A professor in a Christian college has criticized the man of God for this action. Is the censure justified? Let’s take a look.
Attacking God’s Plan of Salvation
Scholarly sources may be helpful, but good Bible students recognize any human source can be biased or flawed. God’s Word is the ultimate standard of faith and practice.
Can Man Forgive Sins?
Does any man have the right to forgive sins? Some suggest that Jesus granted this authority to the apostles, and then, through them, to others (see John 20:23). Can you explain this passage?
Israel’s Exodus from Egypt
One of the great scenes of Old Testament history is the exodus of Israel from Egyptian bondage. In this article, we wish to consider four aspects of this epochal event — the date of the exodus, the visitation of plagues upon Egypt, the passover, and the passage through the Red Sea.
An Exchange with Professor Wallace of the Dallas Seminary
In a previous article, I inadvertently mischaracterized Professor Daniel Wallace’s religious affiliation. He kindly corrected the matter. Here is my response.
Who Are the 144,000 of Revelation 7 and 14?
The “Jehovah’s Witnesses” teach that only 144, 000 people will gain heaven. They base their doctrine upon passages that are found in the book of Revelation (chapters 7 & 14). Who are the 144, 000 mentioned in these texts? Is the number literal or figurative? Study this article.
National Security — The Real Solution
How can we secure the future of our nation? What is the solution to homeland security?
What Does “Amen” Mean?
Occasionally, while the preacher is presenting a lesson, someone in the audience will say, “Amen.” Is this practice in keeping with the Bible? If so, what does “Amen” mean?
An Analysis of Romans 14
The fourteenth chapter of Romans is a marvelous treatise in which the inspired apostle encourages the strong to assist the weak so that the cause of Christ might be united. It contains such rich lessons for the church of today.
A Study of Romans 14
Romans 14 is an intriguing piece of literature. Often misunderstood and frequently abused, it offers much instruction for the spiritually minded student.
2 Timothy 1:5 — Godly Parents — Wicked Parents
A contrast between Timothy’s mother, a godly woman, and Ahaziah, whose notorious mother and grandmother counselled him to do evil.
Leviticus 5:17 – Ignorance and Accountability
Is “ignorance bliss” with regard to sin? Not according to the Scriptures.
Jesus Foretells the Coming Kingdom
Christ’s prophecy concerning his approaching kingdom, as recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, is a most controversial theme. In this article we provide a careful study of this declaration.
Does God Change His Mind?
Some Bible passages affirm that God does not “change.” Other texts, however, appear to suggest that he does — especially in response to human activity. How does one reconcile these seeming discrepancies?
Is It Wrong to Be Cruel to Animals?
Is animal life sacred? Is it wrong to be cruel to animals?
A brief survey on worship as taught in the Bible.
Does the Bible Encourage Hatred?
Sometimes the Bible condemns hate. Sometimes it seems to encourage it.