A Brief Study of the Angel of Jehovah
Who is the Angel of Jehovah in the Old Testament?
The Growing Interest in Angels
In recent years there has been a growing interest in the subject of angels. Do these creatures actually exist? Do they operate now, as they did in Bible times? This brief essay addresses these intriguing questions.
What Does the Bible Say About the Origin, Nature, and Role of Angels?
Why do Christians believe in angels? What does the Bible actually say about the existence of angels, their origin, nature and role as God’s ministering spirits?
Hebrews 1:4 – Better Than the Angels
The context of this passage makes it perfectly plain that the Lord Jesus is not of the angel class.
Revelation 22:8-9 – Was Christ an Angel?
Was Jesus Christ an angel or was he in the same class as deity? Some believe he was Michael, the archangel. What do the scriptures teach?
What Are the “Tongues of Angels” in 1 Corinthians 13:1?
Does the Bible sanction a speaking in “tongues” that involves the utterance of “ecstatic” sounds that are understood only by the speaker and God? Sincere Pentecostal folks answer in the affirmative. They contend that these indiscernible sounds are the “tongues of angels” (1 Cor. 13:1). This article demonstrates that there is no support for such a view in the Corinthian text.
A Message from an Angel
In the 14th chapter of the book of Revelation, John the apostle records a vision of several angels, who bring messages from God. This article addresses one of those messages.
False Ideas About Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the most renowned person of human history? That being true, why are there so many false ideas circulating about him? Because people have biases and they “reinvent” a “Jesus” after their own presuppositions. In this article we review some of the bizarre theories.
Who Are the Seven Spirits?
In the book of Revelation there are several references to the seven spirits. To what, or whom, does this expression refer?
Portraits of the Christ
The book of Hebrews is a marvelous treatise revealing the superiority of Christ and his New Covenant system over that of the preparatory Mosaic regime. The first chapter presents some fascinating portraits of the Lord Jesus.
Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Doctrine of the Deity of Jesus Christ
A comprehensive exposé of the Jehovah’s Witness denial of the deity of Jesus Christ.
The Star of Bethlehem
Was the star of Bethlehem a natural event or a miraculous phenomenon?
In the Days of His Flesh
The sacred expression, “in the days of his flesh,” is wonderfully rich — in its explicit affirmation and in its implications.
When a Pagan King Challenged Jehovah
Sennacherib sent a great army to Jerusalem. Through his military officials, he made a series of threats, the design of which was to bully the Hebrew king.
Jesus and Jehovah
While some modern day religionists deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches differently. One example of such a conflict is the Watchtower organization’s denial that Jesus is Jehovah.
Is Jesus Jehovah?
While some modern day religionists deny the eternal deity of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches differently. One example of such a conflict is the Watchtower organization’s denial that Jesus is Jehovah.
Satan: Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid To Ask
Is Satan an actual living, personal being? What does the Bible reveal about this malevolent enemy of God and man?
The City of Ten Thousand Memories
Jerusalem has been called the city of ten thousand memories. This article reflects upon J.W. McGarvey’s visit to that city more than a century ago.
The Great Mystery of Godliness
Paul’s great “mystery of godliness,” when unfolded, is rich indeed. It is the gospel in seed form. It is intellectually satisfying, emotionally rewarding, and practically motivating.
Luke 1:35 – Gabriel vs. Mohammed
The Qur’an teaches that Gabriel delivered a revelation of God to Mohammed. But Mohammed’s message contradicts the Bible in a multitude of passages. Here is one of those instances.