Profanity – A Biblical Assessment
The Bible does not lay down a prohibited vocabulary list, but it certainly contains guidelines that will assist the devout person in using speech that is well-pleasing to the Lord and to others.
Is the Abolition of the Ten Commandments Ridiculous?
Sabbatarians contend that all of the Ten Commandments are binding today, including the requirement to “keep the Sabbath day holy.” They allege that if one argues that the Ten Commandments were abolished when Christ died, this would license all sorts of evil today. Is this argument sound? Wayne Jackson addresses this in this Q&A segment.
Where Did the Different Races Come From?
A frequently asked question is: “Where did the different races of mankind come from?” For many years evolutionists contended that racial differences were the result of different lines of evolutionary development. This theory has been thoroughly disproven. The Bible presents an entirely different viewpoint.
Fellow Workers for the Truth
How were some “fellow workers” (3 Jn. 8) received who had a commendation from the apostle John? While the “beloved apostle” commended Gaius, who “received” the church workers, others were censured for snubbing their noses, and treating the endorsed Christians like itinerate church cons.
The ACU Commentary and the Unity of the Book of Isaiah
How Is a Civil Ruler a Minister of God?
What is the relationship between the Christian and the government?
What Is Truth? — A Question for the Ages
A careful investigation of the biblical text provides a powerful antidote to the postmodern confusion which alleges that truth is subjective, elusive, and ephemeral.
The Earth: A Planet Plagued with “Evil”
Though the earth was once a paradise, it is now a planet plagued with “evil.” Why are there so many problems within our earthly environment? Study this challenging issue with us in this month’s Feature article.
Is the Bible Class Arrangement Scriptural?
Are Bible classes, commonly called “Sunday school classes,” in harmony with the holy scriptures? Some contend they are not, and they have divided the church over this issue. Take a fresh look at this subject with a biblically based, common sense approach.
Some Character Traits of Paul, the Apostle
Paul, the apostle of Christ, was one of the most influential men of earth’s history. Reflect upon this remarkable man with us in this brief study.
Are There “Signs” of the Second Coming of Christ?
Predicting the return of Jesus Christ is a full-time hobby for some. Does Matthew 24 contain the signs needed to predict Christ’s return?
Have You Not Read?
The Bible frequently speaks of the “reading” of the Scriptures, and even the reading of them aloud. Is this mere circumstance, or is there a deeper truth implied in these descriptives?
The Bible and Self-Esteem
Does the Bible contain the secret to a health self-image?
Identifying the Church of the New Testament
Is it possible to rediscover the church of the New Testament in today’s world? Many sincere people have never considered this possibility. But is it possible?
Those Bogus “Bible Codes”
In recent years much publicity has been given to certain “Bible codes” that are reputed to predict future events. Some even claim that these codes are evidence for the divine origin of the Scriptures. What are the facts? Wayne Jackson addresses this in this month’s Feature article.
The Preacher and His Audience
Both the preacher and his audience have responsibilities in the kingdom of Christ.
Is Lust Fornication?
If someone lusts have they committed adultery?
Church Growth: By the Gospel or By Gimmicks?
Is the gospel still sufficient for church growth? Are modern gimmicks necessary to attract bigger crowds?
Three Dimensions of Love
The greatest commandment ... love.
The Creation Week—Reflections on Genesis
This article is a listing of some of the many truths to be discovered from a study of Genesis chapter one.