
Why Didn’t You Answer My Question?

When we initiated our Question & Answer column just over a year ago, we scarcely anticipated how popular this segment of our site would become. Some who submit queries may wonder why their inquiry has not appeared in this column.
By Wayne Jackson | Christian Courier

No narration available

Here are some general guidelines we use in answering (or not answering) questions submitted to this website:

  1. We receive more questions than we can possibly answer. We must, therefore, choose those which we believe are the most urgent, or those of the greatest interest to the majority of our readers. Also, when one person sends a whole list of questions, or asks questions quite frequently, he must expect to be patient as we share our time with others.
  2. Signed questions are given priority. It is a matter of courtesy to sign one’s name to a correspondence. We do not use names in answering questions, but we do appreciate knowing and meeting personally those submitting the queries.
  3. Questions that appear to be merely antagonistic and argumentative are ignored as a general rule. If the disputer makes a point that we feel warrants a response, we are at liberty to make an exception and issue a reply.
  4. If we have already discussed the question in another article on our website or in one of our printed publications, we may recommend that the reader consult one or the other of those sources. Everything downloaded from our site is absolutely free. Our publications are inexpensive, so we really do not hesitate to suggest that those interested in a special theme discussed in one or more of these order that particular book or booklet.
  5. We try to deal with biblical principles and instruction that can be applied to a variety of circumstances, rather than attempting to analyze particular situations within local churches, the detailed facts of which we cannot know with precision. For example, we are happy to discuss the scriptural teaching on divorce and remarriage, but we cannot judge the merits of personal divorce-remarriage cases far removed from our range of knowledge.
  6. Some questions are simply foolish, and unworthy of any rejoinder (Proverbs 26:4; 2 Timothy 2:23; Titus 3:9).
  7. We do not hesitate to admit that we cannot give a definitive answer to some questions. Occasionally, when we do not have clear scriptural guidance, we merely must offer our opinion and leave the reader to draw his own conclusions.
  8. When there are several possible explanations to a passage, none of which are in conflict with other portions of Scripture, we will attempt to be fair and present the various viewpoints. If we feel comfortable in doing so, we will express our preference. If not, we’ll leave the issue open.
  9. Sometimes a question is worded in such a way so as to leave a clear indication as to the answer desired. We are not swayed by predispositions. We try to answer questions as candidly as possible. We have no axe to grind, no prejudice to buttress.
  10. We are unable to provide a personal response to the scores of questions we receive on a weekly basis. Please understand our workload, and pardon us if we can’t get to yours, or if we are delayed considerably.

Thank you for your patience. Please continue to submit those good questions, the answers to which, hopefully, will bless you and others.