Prove All Things
How Many Resurrections Will There Be?
Some advocates of the millennial scheme suggest there will be two resurrections separated by a one-thousand-year reign of Jesus on earth. What does God’s Word have to say on this subject?
Editor's Choices
Sleep: An Evidence of Divine Design
One of the first recorded activities of man in the book of Genesis was “sleep.” Exactly what is this strange experience? Did God design it?
Is the Apocrypha Inspired of God?
Why the Apocryphal books don’t belong in the inspired canon of Scripture.
Why Was John the Baptist Confused?
Why did John the Baptist seem to doubt the identity of Jesus Christ?
Do the Scriptures Authorize Multiple Cups?
Why do so many churches use a plurality of “cups” in administering the Lord’s supper, when the Scriptures appear to authorize just one, “a cup”?
Who Was Caiaphas, the Official at the Trial of Jesus?
Who was Caiaphas, the official so instrumental in the death of Jesus?
Will Only “Your Bunch” Be Saved?
A reader wants to know, “Will only your bunch be saved?” Though the question usually is highly prejudicial, we will elicit two answers — his and ours.
Who Is Paul’s “Man of Sin”?
Who is the sinister “man of sin” mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2?
Is Lust Fornication?
If someone lusts have they committed adultery?
Prophetic Portraits of the Messiah
The Old Testament has much to say about Jesus Christ. The following outline will prove helpful in learning more about our Savior.
The Power of Speech for Good or Evil
Speech is a very special gift from our Creator. It is a fresh challenge each day to channel our words for good.
What About the Ouija Board?
Is it wrong for Christians to consult the Ouija Board? Is this merely an innocent pasttime? This week’s question looks at this issue.
The Amazing Unity of Scripture
The literary unity of the Bible is evidence of Divine inspiration.
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